روان شناسی و مشاوره::
لذت شهوانی
Fifth, she sought sensual enjoyment in sucking and in fondling her mother's hand and blouse.
Each system is built around a basic need: the need for psychic regulation of physiological requirements, the need for attachment and later affiliation, the need for exploration and assertion, the need to react aversively through antagonism and/or withdrawal, and the need to seek sensual enjoyment and sexual excitement.
Sensual enjoyment and sexual excitement.
We need no extensive research to be convinced that similar effects occur if violations of expectancies occur in feeding, sleep, ranges of stimulus intensity, or the infants' pattens of sensual enjoyment.
Self engaged with other in attachment activities, self disengaged from other in exploratory activities, self engaged with other in numerous activities of physiological regulation, self aversive to other, and self engaged with other and with self in seeking sensual enjoyment are all lived experiences.
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